Surplus Corner FAQs
1. Policy Electronic Document Delivery (EDD)
2. Renewal Quotes
3. Access to Surplus Corner
4. EDD E-mail notification
5. Timing of EDD E-mail notification
6. Obtaining electronic documents
7. Policy document distribution to other parties
8. Paper documents
9. Compatibility or viewing issues
- 1. Will all Rainier policies be converted automatically to Electronic Document Delivery (EDD)?
- Yes, all new business will be issued electronically, and all existing Rainier Insurance Company policies will be converted to Electronic Document Delivery as the policy renews or other policy transactions occur (i.e. endorsements, cancellations, audits, etc.).
- Exception: Policies or transactions that require extra attention will be emailed to you for the time being.
- 2. Will renewal quotes be delivered electronically?
- Not at this time, but we are working to have renewal quotes available electronically soon.
- 3. How do I obtain access to the Surplus Corner?
- Each agency has a designated Brokerage Firm Administrator per the Internet Login & Password Agreement. Contact the Brokerage Firm Administrator in your office if you are unsure if you have access to the Surplus Corner or if you need assistance.
- 4. How am I notified of a document being delivered thru EDD?
- The person(s) designated to receive email notifications by the Brokerage Firm Administrator will receive an email each time a document has been processed. The email instructs the user to log on to the Rainier Surplus Corner to access the document.
- Note: Only individuals designated by the Brokerage Firm Administrator will receive these email notifications, but all users with a login can access the documents in the Surplus Corner.
- Tip: Please add the email address customerservice@rainierinsure.com to your "trust or safe sender" list to ensure the notifications are not sent to your junk mail.
- 5. When will I be notified of a policy being delivered thru EDD?
- Email notification is sent to the designated user(s) at the time the transaction is processed. The notification contains the insured name, policy number, type of transaction, and available until date.
- 6. How do I obtain my Electronic Document?
- Login to the Surplus Corner on www.rainierinsure.com. Select the Broker Activity tab and click on E-Policy to show the E-Policy Listing.
- Note: Policy numbers appearing in "red" have not been viewed/saved/printed.
- 7. How are policy documents distributed to interested parties?
- Your office is responsible for distribution of policy documents to all interested parties.
- 8. Is it possible to continue receiving paper documents in our office?
- No, it is not an option to continue to receive paper documents.
- 9. How do we fix "compatibility" issues or viewing problems using various internet browsers?
- Click on "tools" in your browser menu and choose: "compatibility view settings". Click on add to include www.rainierinsure.com. You may also want to check your pop-up blocker settings when opening the PDF documents in E-Policy, including any add-on toolbars.
- If you have any other questions or problems - please contact the Marketing Department at 1-800-522-6944. We will be happy to help you.